During World Alzheimer’s Month, we call on everyone, from individuals to large organisations, including every Alzheimer and dementia association globally, to support World Alzheimer’s Month by getting involved in some way.
As outlined in our World Alzheimer Report 2019, many people still wrongly believe that dementia is a part of normal ageing. This alone highlights how important public awareness campaigns, like World Alzheimer’s Month, are for changing perceptions and increasing existing public knowledge around Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
With the number of people living with dementia set to almost triple by 2050, it has never been more important to recognise the risk factors associated with dementia and take proactive steps towards risk reduction. As such, this year’s theme ‘Never too early, never too late’, centres on the key risk factors and risk reduction, aiming to emphasise their crucial role in delaying and potentially preventing the onset of dementia. This also importantly includes ongoing risk reduction for those who have already been diagnosed.